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Sailor Jupiter
Super Sailor Jupiter

Japanese Name: Kino Makoto

English Name: Lita

Birthday: December 5

Blood Type: O

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Green

Astrological Sign: Sagittarius

Favorite Colors: Sugar Pink And Green

Hobby: Romance Novels

Likes: Cooking

Hates: Cheaters

Favorite Food: Cherry Pie

Least Favorite Food: None

Favorite Subject: Home Economics

Worst Subject: Physics

Has Trouble With: Airplanes

Strong Point: Strong Athlete

Dream: To Become A Cook

Favorite Gemstone: Emerald


Jupiter Oak Evolution

             Lita is the Sailor Scout of Jupiter.She first transfered from another school into Juuban Junior High School. Serena sees her for the first time when Lita saves her from bullies that Serena accidentally ran into. Everybody thought Lita was a troublemaker because she was kicked out of her old school for fighting. Serena was drawn to her by her cooking and her rose earrings. Lita and Serena were later attacked by a monster from the Negaverse and she tried to save Sailor Moon by lifting the monster over her head with her own strength. During this time, her green planetary symbol, the number four, flashed on her forehead. Luna gave her the transformation pen and told her to transform into Sailor Jupiter with "Jupiter Power!"

Jupiter Thunder Crash
             Lita always seems to be seeing her ex-boyfriend everywhere she goes. She is actually in and out of relationships often, although you never see her with any guys. She always seems to find guys that arnt the best in the world, this is why she's alway single. She and Mina often have many arguments over guys they like.
Jupiter Thunder Dragon
             Her personality is kind of harsh. She usually wants to fight than think things out. She is usually stopped by Amy when shes around. Eventhough she may seem mean, she is one of the sweatest people you will ever meat.
Jupiter Thunderclap Zap
             Of all the inner scouts, she is the tallest and strongest in human form. Although Sailor Uranus did beat her up once. She is the thunder soldier and can be relied on to defend with her own strength and her powers combined.
Jupiter Coconut Cyclone