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Sailor Mars
Super Sailor Mars
Japanese Name: Hino Rei 

Name Meaning: Spirit Of Fire

English Name: Raye Hino

Birthday: April 17

Blood Type: AB

Hair: Black

Eyes: Purple 

Astrological Sign: Aries

Favorite Color: Red And Black

Hobby: Reading Fortunes, Song Writing

Likes: Meditation

Hates: T.V. 

Favorite Food: Veggie Pizza, Fugu

Least Favorite Food: Canned Asparagus

Favorite Subject: Classic Literature 

Wost Subject: Modern Society

Has Trouble With: Serena

Strong Point: Dedication To Causes

Dream: To Be A Singer

Favorite Gemstone: Ruby


Mars Flame Sniper

             Raye is the Sailor Scout of Mars, and the Princess of Mars. She is often referred to as the soldier of fire. In the series, Mars appeared to be the leader of the inner scouts, other than Sailor Moon. She basically thinks of herself as the best out of all the others. Her great leadership skills provide the scouts with a great leader when Sailor Moon is unable to take command.

Marse Fire Ignight
             She became a Sailor Scout when the Negaverse sucked her and Sailor Moon into a time warp. When the monster tried to strangle her, Raye's red planetary symbol glowed on her forehead. Luna had left Raye a pen at her temple. She told her to yell out "Mars power!" and she turned into the third Sailor Scout, Sailor Mars.
Mars Fire Bird Strike
             A guy named Chad has a crush on Raye. He works for her eccentric grandfather at the Cherry Hill Temple. He's a recovering rock star that's loaded. He's the kind of person that dosn't believe in money, but believes in the art of music. That's why he works at the temple, he wants to find himself. Raye really likes him, but she totally denies it to everyone. She's actually kissed him a couple of times when he was knocked out.

             Raye's grandfather is a really odd short man. He's totally perverted, and has heart problems. The doctors tell him to rest, but he dosn't listen.  He even ends up doing strange things like opening a martial arts school.

Mars Celestial Fire Suround
             Serena and Raye are constantly fighting. They even argued over Darian at times. Nevertheless, Raye actually is the most protective of Serena. She might not show it, but Raye considers Serena her best friend.

             Raye is a fortune teller that has the power to read fires. Her shinto background gives her an advantage in and out of battle. Since the isn't a scout power, she can sence evil even when she's not in scout form. With theis power she can stop deamods with anti - evil scrolls. As Sailor Mars, she can tap into plant's and animal's to read there minds.

Mare Snake Fire