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Sailor Moon

Japanese Name: Tsukino Usagi

Name Meaning: Rabbit Of The Moon

English Name: Serena Tsukino

Birthday: June 30

Blood Type: O

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Blue

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Favorite Color: Pink

Favorite Food: Ice Cream

Least Favorite Food: Carrots

Hobby: Shopping

Likes: Eating & Video Games

Favorite Subject: Home EC & Music

Worst Subjects: Math, English

Has Trouble With: Homework

Hates: Suprise tests in school

Strong Point: Crying & Whining

Dream: To Be A Bride

Favorite Gemstone: Diamond

Moon Gorgiouse Meditation

             Serena is the Sailor Scout of the Moon, and Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom. A long time ago, our moon was home to a great civilization, ruled by Queen Serenity. Serena lived on the moon in the days of the Moon Kingdom. It was a happy and peaceful place, until the arrival of evil Queen Beryl and the Negaverse. Her plan was to rule the whole universe, but first she had to conquer the moon. The moon held up a great fight, and at the last moment, Queen Serenity saved the day by trapping the Negaverse in her Emporium Silver Crystal. But Serenity had to pay the price, she couldnt trap the Negaverse without trapping everyone ells in the Moon Kingdom with it, including Serena and the other scouts With her last ounce of strength, she sent Serena and the others to Earth to be reborn with no memory of the Moon Kingdom at all. She lied there watching everyone leave until the moment she took her last breath.

Moon Tiara Magic
             Serena was late for school one day when she stopped a group of kids attacking a poor defenseless black cat. That cat followed her home that day. The cat introduced herself as Luna. She told Serena that she was sent to Earth by Queen Serenity. Her mission, as she explained, was to find the Princess of the Moon and protect her. Luna said that she had to be Sailor Moon because when she saved her, Luna could talk. Serena thought that it was all a dream, but when she transformed, she realized this cat must have been telling the truth the whole time.
Moon Spiral Heart Attack
             Serenas boyfriend is Darien, a 20 year old that is studying in college. They met when she accidentally threw a test (she scored a 30%) at his head. They didnt like each other at first, (Darien called her Meatball Head) but she found out that he was the great Tuxedo Mask, her dream hunk. The power of her love for him made the Seven Rainbow Crystals merge together to become the Emporium Silver Crystal. Memories of Serena and Dariens past came back. To everyones surprise, Serena was the Moon Princess that theyve been looking for the whole time, and Darien was the Earth prince who was engaged to her a thousand years ago. In their past, which was called the Silver Millenium, Darien was Prince Darien, and Serena was Princess Serenity. In the future, they are King Darien and Neo-Queen Serenity, and together they have a daughter named Rini (Small Lady).
Rainbow Moon Heart Ache

            Serena acts really klutzy sometimes, but when shes Sailor Moon, she is usually more serious and mature (when shes not being blasted by an ugly monster).