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Sailor Mini Moon

Sailor Mini Moon

Japanese Name: Chibi-usa

Name Meaning: Little Usagi

English Name: Rini

Birthday: June 30

Blood Type: O

Hair: Pink

Eyes: Red

Astrological Sign: Cancer

Favorite Color: Pink

Hobby: Collecting Rabbit Goods

Favorite Food: Pudding

Least Favorite Food: Carrots

Favorite Subject: Drawing

Worst Subject: Languages

Has Trouble With: Taking care of the house

Strong Point: Getting People To Do What She Wants

Dream: Becoming A Lady

Favorite Gemstone: Diamond

Pink Sugar Heart Attack

             Sailor Mini Moon is the 2nd Sailor Scout of the moon and the future Princess Serenity of the moon. Rini first came into the show when she fell on top of Serena and Darien while they were on a date. She apologized to Darien for landing on him, but then turned around, and demanded the Emporium Silver Crystal from Serena. Serena asks her who she was and why'd she have her hairstyle. Rini replies "This is my moms hair style." Rini then disappears right before Darien turns around to yell at her. Later in the day she appears as Serena 's little cousin. Serena later finds out that she hypnotized her family. When she finally finds out who she was, (Serena and Darien's future daughter), they went to help the Sailor Scouts of the future. Rini is captured by the Wiseman and is turned into the evil teenage Rini, Black Lady. Neo-Queen Serenity (Serena) turns her good again, by telling her that she was good and people cared for her. She goes back into the future in Sailor Moon R, but returns in Sailor Moon S to train to be a Sailor Scout.

Pink Sugar Heart Attack
             In Super S, the place of Luna-P is taken by Luna and Airtime's future kitty, Diana. Rini falls in love with is a a man named Heilos. Her came to her in the form of a Pegasus to help Mini Moon.
Pink Sugar Heat Ache